Discover your mystical dimension – Who Am I? Part 2

The ancient seers in India had a deep understanding of this inward path of self-discovery and through years of rigorous tapa (meditation), yoga and other spiritual practices were able to raise their kundalini to reach the shores of this most elusive and subtle aspect of our being. They succeeded in discovering the infinite potential within us and experience the attribute of our soul – ‘Satchithananda’.

‘Sat’ represents the Truth (Sathya), ‘Chith’ - Awareness or Universal Intelligence (the source of all knowledge) and ‘Ananda’ – a permanent state of highest bliss. In this state all duality of the world vanishes, and one sees the past, present and future in a singularity and all beings as part of one cosmic existence, the Paramatman or the Supreme Self. In this state of Samadhi (a loss of body consciousness and communion with God), one is said to experience the highest state of spiritual bliss and inner peace called ‘Ananda’, in comparison with which all the sensual pleasures of the physical world is only a vague reflection. The real state of permanent bliss is hidden deep in our soul. This state also activates Chith, an awareness of all the knowledge, thoughts, activities of the past, present and future across the infinite cosmos. In Vedanta, this state of self-realization is called as Advaita or non-dualism as espoused by Adi Shankaracharya, where there is no separate being or entity, one realizes all are one, one realizes one's oneness with God, there is no two, only one. Thus each of us are by our true nature embodiments of divinity, love, knowledge and bliss. Our body is only a dress which we change time to time, we are truly the soul, immortal, ancient, timeless, was there, is there, and will always be there, your soul has no birth and no death. Weapons cannot cut It, nor can fire burn It; water cannot wet It, nor can wind dry It. It is eternal, all-pervading, stable, ancient, immovable, all-pervading and immortal. So why must one fear anything in this world including death. Let's contemplate on this wisdom everyday and live our lives fearlessly. There is no cause to fear.

Two approaches to reach this state:

  • The effect of the first approach is to slowly expand our consciousness through Jnana Yoga (the path of wisdom) and meditation to break the shackles of Maya or this illusionary world to achieve oneness with the Supreme Self. In the ancient scriptures of Upanishads, it is quoted, "Yad bhavam, tad bhavati"- meaning "As you think, so you become". Based on this principle, a contemplative and determined man can reach the Supreme State through daily and continuous repetition and meditation on the positive affirmation or mantra - "Aham Bramhasmi" or "I am God".  But for most other humans who find it difficult to perceive this state of non-dualism, a gentler outlook of dualism is recommended. 
  • In the second approach, we must slowly diminish the ego or the feeling of "I" to such levels that we easily slide out of the shackles of Maya and rebirth. For most of us we can joyfully tread on this simple and enjoyable path of Bhakthi Yoga or the path of devotion, where through Namasmarana (singing and chanting the name of God) we can greatly speed up our spiritual progress and attain oneness with the divine. For those dynamic individuals who find it difficulty in containing their ever-active mind, they can tame it through the path of Karma Yoga or the path of action, dedicating little acts of kindness towards the less privileged factions of our society as service or work of God.

Surrendering to God in the second path frees our mind of all burdens and we become an unruffled blissful observer through the ups and downs of this drama of life and attain equanimity, a state of mind where one is not elated with praise, nor depressed with criticism. A person who achieves such state is considered dearest to the Lord Almighty.

Along with spiritual practices, using naturally found healing crystals such as obsidian, tourmaline, rose quartz and others in form of bracelets, necklaces or highly energized pyramid stones can greatly aid in releasing negative emotions from our mind such as hatred, anger, greed, lust, pride, ego, jealousy, etc., and cleanse our Aura and heal our bodies and mind. By practicing these pearls of ancient spiritual wisdom we can verily embark on the path of self-transformation and individual discovery to pave way for the dawn of a new age (Sathya Yuga) of higher spiritual consciousness across the planet.

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