
  • How overthinking is the root of your unhappiness and 5 steps to overcome it

    Picture this: You're caught in the loop of replaying yesterday and rehearsing tomorrow, and the present slips away like sand through your fingers....
  • Discover your mystical dimension – Who Am I? Part 2

    The ancient seers in India had a deep understanding of this inward path of self-discovery and through years of rigorous tapa (meditation), yoga an...
  • Reversing The Molecular Mechanism Of Skin Aging With Yoga

    Yoga is an ancient Hindu practise, that includes a change in diet, mental attitude, and practice of some particular techniques such as asanas, and pranayama. These yogic meditative practices have a significant effect on the human mind-body system thereby improving health, longevity and bestowing a youthful appearance. 
  • Discover your mystical dimension – Who Am I? Part 1

    Are we all really unique and different in all planes of existence? At times, why do we feel an insatiable void within, which no amount of pleasures, entertainment and relationships seem to appease? Do we have another powerful dimension ( a Higher Self) to our being? An understanding on the most elusive and subtle aspect of our being as described in ancient scriptures.